Do yourself a Favor and Back-up
It is critical to perform daily backups of your data with so many threats that can destroy it. Viruses (like CryptoLocker), aging hard drives, natural disasters, accidents, shop fires and other threats that you cannot control or prevent. A simple backup can be a business savior and is so easy to do.
Please review these tips and start doing it. A good backup is great insurance that allows you to sleep at night.
What to BACK-UP
The ProfitSystem® data to back up is in it’s data folder. (you can see the data location by visiting the Help-> About. This folder’s contents should be copied to media that can be stored in a safe place like a safe or taken off site.
It is a good idea to maintain multiple backups of the data. A suggestion is to keep seven days of data on seven different media. Label the media Sunday thru Saturday. Each Monday overwrite the data on the Monday media, Tuesday on Tuesday media ..etc. That way you always have seven opportunities to restore good data.
The most important job of working with a computer is to back-up it’s data on a daily basis.
Computers are mechanical and thus can break ANYTIME! This is usually not a problem because they can be repaired quickly and easily. However, a breakdown can cause data loss. Data CANNOT be replaced quickly and easily. For this reason you must BACKUP the data on the computer every day.

Computers can be equipped with DVD RW drives that will quickly back the data to a DVD discs. Also USB sticks, external disk drives and other devices could be used. The most popular method to backup, is to a Cloud service. BBL’s Titan backup is an example and there are many others. Off-site is the best backup, because a virus or store fire cannot damage the backed up data.
If you don’t know how to make a backup using the tools on your computer, contact a computer consultant or ask a computer store for help. If you have questions about backing up the ProfitSystem data please send a email to [email protected]. These tips also cover what to do.

It is imperative to have a backup!!!
Consider this: If you hard drive fails or a Virus attacks your computer, what would you do without a backup. The data is lost then you have no record of who paid you money, who still owes you money, what gowns you need to special order, what you have in inventory, etc.
Most people experience a computer failure of some sort at one time or another. The difference between an inconvenience and a disaster is whether or not you have a good backup!
Our Tools
ProfitSystem® has a tool to help make the backup of data easier. Under the Header menu of the main switchboard in Tools there is a selection called Backup. This will auto copy the contents of the ProfitSystem data folder by creating a compressed ZIP file (default name BACKUP.ZIP) and place it in any folder and/or any removable device.

This single file will contain all the data files that required by ProfitSystem®. It does not contain the program files as they can be easily reinstalled. The file should be copied to a DVD or Flash drive or Off-Site and placed in a fire proof safe.
BACKUP.ZIP is a zip file (Zip is a termed used to describe files that have been compressed and stored together in a single file). Any zip program, like WinZip, is able to unzip/restore the files to their normal state and would be used to gain access to the data files within BACKUP.ZIP file. should be copied to external media like a DVDRW for safe keeping. With a BBL Platinum Service agreement (or may be purchased separately) you have access to Cloud backup storage & service . If you need help making this work, please reach out to us.
We WANT you to be protected!
ProfitSystem Version 12 is released! Customers with service agreements will automatically receive instructions for downloading. Click here to view a list of version 12 NEW features