
506 Add a notation to exception report that indicates the frozen qty differs from the current qoh, make headings better on report
507 Replace BPS About dialog with new one
547 Increase smartlink style timeout to 500 seconds
548 Added option to enable/disable autoemails
549 Fixed: Time truncated on report
550 Fixed: Time as decimal setting not saving
529 Auto-send event create email on Event from Prospect form
530 Auto send email only when bride/groom created for event,  created from Prospect or customer on Event form.
532 Sales Detail Report, excluding certain transactions if "Include rental" is unchecked.
533 Actaully use the vendor factor, if present, to compute base price on smartlink import
534 Disable vendor selection combo until save/cancel clicked on Smartlink
535 Display "No new styles" message until user clicks when using smartlink
537 Always send email to bride only on attendent first sale
538 Fixed: # of stores wrong on showdata
539 Fixed: error on htmledit for fittings
541 Fixed: Rental enter confirm numbers menu option wrong
542 ICR Import form error on display
543 Fixed: Alias not found error on complete fitting
544 Default to UPS carrier if it's the only one active
545 Fixed: Error alias generatepk not found on save rental order
510 Check for empty result on SmartLink and tell user nothing was downloaded
512 Fixed: Captions on selepmts form truncated
513 Fixed: error when checking inv cost accounts on validate gl
514 Allow store id's up to 10 charts on winpos import
516 Fixed: Revenue report will still show taxable sale when: sale paid in full, then payment cancelled, then partial payment taken
518 Only display reminder form if reminder letters are set up
522 Fixed: Return service on UPS using test server
523 Suppress web prospect import todo when printing prospect worksheet
524 If you sell something special order, then mark it taken , switch it to stock sale and make sure size/color/width valid
525 Allow editing of email from system setup auto email tab
526 Fixed: Error when use X to close HTMLeditor
502 Customer fields don't activate edit mode: Hip size, waist to floor, hollow to hem, hollow to waist, nape to waist.
498 Error pnBF not found if balance forward not a column in event import
492 Add a "test email" button to SMTP setup
416 Send SMS email on triggers
528 Add new default email templates to CD
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745 Fixed: Only emailing one PO when emailing batch, when previewing 746 Put email...


704 Fixed: Doesn't save paid-in note to gltrans 705 Display a confirmation dialog...


664 Fixed: Lookup for paid out 2-10 don't work 672 Added a ForceShutdown INI that...


666 Use direct printing to zebra printer


670 Fixed: Authorize.net in test mode.  Now requires authtest.txt file.