
597 Change Appoinbtments menu hotkey so Appts doesn't pop up all the time
598 RI tax on a sale is computed on the sale price plus extra charges and adj, so we compute it prior to printin receipt
599 CLOSE form disaplaying status message on-screen
603 Error: 12/Variable 'LCEMAIL' is not found. Section: FRMNEWBRIDE.CMDLOOKUP.CLICK Version: 11.1.7 08/29/13 Line: 157 Code: SELECT curResult
604 Fixed: If you use the style look on on a row without an item type on rental order and select a non-rental style, get error
605 No longer display old splash screen at startup
606 RCR type double prompting on RCR form
607 Compute margin for extra charges
609 Fixed: error when click column in smartlink sync form
611 Fixed: Closing report from closing form not working
585 Require GL number when enable tender type
613 Fixed: Error on copy settings on new load
614 BPS conversion not creating all sizes correctly
615 Fixed: Ship labels for printers not showing
617 Sort stores by number on multi-store select
618 Store merge not matching up all sizes for a style correctly.
621 Add size/colors for stock on upload to big commerce as option set
622 Fixed: Error when use tot sold on sinvsize.
623 Check for []' in vendor style code
625 When add or remove taxes to a sale that's paid in full, un-realize the sale first.
626 Pickup inventory lookup on transfer form double-prompting for PO item iD
627 Start foxcmd from system maintenance menu
628 Add checks to deposit listing report total
629 Import size and color charts from BPS, even if files don't exist in the ProfitSystem
633 For RI tax, recompute net price on sale when adj/extra added to it, then recomp tax on sale
634 Add customer images not showing up
635 Recompute MA tax on sale when adj or extra charge applied so tax will be correct if extra charge pushes sale price over 175
636 Reprint GL account name on revenue report when printing + and  - as seperate items
639 Fixed: Error index tag on Inventory by style/color report
640 Add norepair.txt flag to disable auto data repair
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