
ID Description
5244 Option to leave ticket open after saving a payment.  Close and re-open ticket.
5309 Copy seamstress from fitting to SA 1 on the style for fitting charge
5354 Display history of gift card on gift card balance form and gift card edit form
5355 Fiixed: Update tw.exe from patches\tw.exe now support spaces in path
5356 Report parameters saved automatically
5357 Display all sales on customer all sales tab
5358 Display all sales on appoointment all sales tab
5359 Add "Department for appt type" to appointments report
5360 Signature capture can now prompt Y/N instead of actual sig cap
5361 When import inventory images, convert wbp, gif, png to JPG
5362 Sort resources/SA alphabetically if no rank
5363 Fixed: Recalc ticket with rental term adj, include extra amt
5364 WooExport, use store style for SKU, use vendor if no desc
5365 Don't display date range warning on save rental order if Received status (only None,Missing size(s),Wait for confirm,Confirmed)
5366 Add option to include in assembly when print picking
5368 Removed restriction on two copies of PS running on same PC.  It fails on newer tsplus versions.
5369 Use emergepay/clover for signature capture if available
5370 Reformat customer balance report  to letter size
5371 Update AR form to compute inv balance on the fly, only show balances for single account
5376 Fixed: Taxes report, taxable sales/non-tax sales total slightly low
5379 Reset last sold date when recomp monthly/yearly totals
5380 Include cancelled tips on revenue report section
5381 Check resvitem, log, sinvsize for simple corruption and try to fix at startup
5387 Special instructions: in the style notes will insert the text after it into special instructions for speical orders of that style.
5388 If "Special instructions: " appears in style notes, insert following text into spec instr at sale time
5389 Add resvmast2 for testing
5390 Added "No Price Program warning?" option to disable the price program warning.
5391 Fixed: Parse CAN birthdate in drivers license #
5392 Updated fields for shipping excel export
5393 Fixed: Illegal redefinition of llShowPhone on customer balances report
5394 Fixed: Duplicate "Report resulted in no data" message
5395 Update PO report, allow all PO items to be included, add option to select by date sold, and option to supress spec instr
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704 Fixed: Doesn't save paid-in note to gltrans 705 Display a confirmation dialog...


664 Fixed: Lookup for paid out 2-10 don't work 672 Added a ForceShutdown INI that...


666 Use direct printing to zebra printer


670 Fixed: Authorize.net in test mode.  Now requires authtest.txt file.