Release Notes - EverywhereRetail 2021

August 8, 2021

Enhancement: Add store filter to Event List report #1855
Fixed: Error when update eStyle QOH #1838
Enhancement: Display all errors when importing customer/inventory #1846
Enhancement: Update EWB logo #1851
Fixed: Appointment time off if booked from time zone different than store #1847


July 26, 2021

Enhancement: Allow tip to be deleted by setting to zero #1840
Fixed: Invalid duplicate color alert on appointment type edit #1843
Fixed: Intermittent error on receipt #1841
Fixed: Convert size list and color list to charts when importing from CSV file #1845


June 7, 2021

Enhancement: Speed event load with non-rental and rental members #1806
Fixed: Catch no tax on special tax calculation error #1832
Fixed: Allow customer to be deleted even if paymentbyuser records present #1833
Fixed: Pickup report not showing all layaway #1835
Fixed: Divide by zero on Sales by Vendor report 
Enhancement: Speed up ticket balance calculations #1830
Enhancement: New merge codes, TicketNo, style category, bride groom name #1802
Fixed: Appointment reminder sent after appointment #1819
Enhancement: Add Sale net price, payments taken, balance to Sales Realized export #1827
Fixed: Unable to create RCR for QOH record directly #1828
Enhancement: Allow HTML in EPL format tags #1829
Enhancement: PO review faster, return to PO issue after issuing instead of PO review #1826
Enhancement: Tip enhancements #1790


April 30, 2021

Fixed: Missing department and store on ticket service sale #1709
Fixed: Tip preventing quick sale #1817
Enhancement: Updated explanation text for eStyle #1818
Enhancement: Color on CIP cloud wait message now EWB brown #1741


April 14, 2021

Fixed: Event date sometimes not in local time zone on Event index #1791
Fixed: Don't show broken image link if image missing #1784
Fixed: Use https for logo URL #1775
Fixed: Customer with balances report optimized for speed #1772
Fixed: Show longer vendor names for system vendor on vendor page #1771
Fixed: Force start physical to clear all past barcodes #1770
Fixed: Daily report would include blank pages for long sub-sections #1769
Fixed: Error when save Task on Create #1683
Fixed: Error on Payments by User with multiple salespersons #1682
Fixed: Style fee breadcrumbs on page #1788
Enhancement: Gravity cloud refund stored as negative #1787
Fixed: Gravity refunds via manual #1786
Fixed: Payments report store selector #1761
Fixed: Customer recap viewer #1757
Enhancement: Performance on Physical exceptions report and update #1756
Fixed: Duplicate size warning on size chart entry #1748
Enhancement: Bigcommerce integration #1567
Enhancement: Update eSc on QOH add/edit and stock PO receive #1803
Enhancement: Inventory by vendor/category reports, hide inactive by default #1789
Enhancement: Added LOGO inventory merge code #1776
Enhancement: PO numbers can now be 15 characters #1749
Enhancement: eStyle import menu options #1742
Enhancement: Tipping #1737
Enhancement: Allow primary and secondary contact names to be set on Events #1732
Enhancement: Merge field for UPC on inventory labels #1708


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