
ID Description
3790 Create todo when payment request sent with user who sent payment request.  When process payment request, assign SA from original todo to success/fail todo.
3797 SnapPay - Add option to Payments detail to break out SnapPay
3799 Insert image URL automatically from clipboard
3807 Display ticket details on ticket select form
3808 Add date taken, category and role to On Order list on event tab.  Rearrange columns.
3809 Fixed: When search on last name, don't insert into phone # field
3810 When create customers from Prospect, don't create if last name blank
3812 Don't log webform retrieval if no forms
3813 Auth-email receipt to customer on process snappay
3814 Fixed: Can't blank Syvo URL
3815 Fixed: Entering catalog codes on the rental order repeatedly would sometimes not reset the discount
3823 Set all QOH's to zero for color chart before uploading style
3824 eStyle zero all sizes and colors for a style when sync style, before upload QOH
3825 When match eStyle, force match if color 2,3,4 in use on style and clear color 2,3,4
3826 If click on color, show color1,2,3,4 on recieve hist
3827 Only check and upload if QOH > 0 for eStyle
3828 Speed up RETLSCW form, don't locate after setting filter
3829 Update linked rental orders when event date changes, after prompting user
3830 Fixed, ER export not saving prospect emails correctly
3831 Add batch mode to Update Event date on PO, do the same for rental orders.
3833 Don't default rental SA to wholesale rep
3834 Set appointment event date to same event date from most recent appointment when creating appointment from customer
3835 Require RETLEDIT to change style on RETLINV form
3836 Replace & in store name, and remove non-alpha chars froom store and customer
3837 Allow emails to be sent directly from query for appointment queries
3838 Log SnapPay emails sent under HOSTPMT
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מאמרים קשורים


745 Fixed: Only emailing one PO when emailing batch, when previewing 746 Put email...


704 Fixed: Doesn't save paid-in note to gltrans 705 Display a confirmation dialog...


664 Fixed: Lookup for paid out 2-10 don't work 672 Added a ForceShutdown INI that...


666 Use direct printing to zebra printer


670 Fixed: Authorize.net in test mode.  Now requires authtest.txt file.