
ID     Description
1701  Fixed: Customer import instructions and added manual mode
1702  Retail inventory load will use vendor+cat factors in addition to category factor
1703  Price on inventory load will always overwrite inventory price if non-zero
1704  Add retail factor and plus to category import
1707  Fixed: If license failed sometimes would get "gnRevenueLimit" not found
1709  Display dates that will be exported by QB when you export as a warning
1712  Make sure cancel sign is correct on syncticket
1715  MB import: Clean vendor style, find canc transactions, extra charge notes into reference

  • 2 Пользователи нашли это полезным
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745 Fixed: Only emailing one PO when emailing batch, when previewing 746 Put email...


704 Fixed: Doesn't save paid-in note to gltrans 705 Display a confirmation dialog...


664 Fixed: Lookup for paid out 2-10 don't work 672 Added a ForceShutdown INI that...


666 Use direct printing to zebra printer


670 Fixed: Authorize.net in test mode.  Now requires authtest.txt file.