ID | Description |
1429 | Add system setting to enable appt prompt for "Who is editing appt?" |
1558 | Rental inventory and rental physical no longer enabled for BPS |
1559 | Set "Stocked in store?" to checked if QOH > 0 on inventory import |
1560 | Add new imports to import switchboard |
1561 | Strip spaces from notes before importing |
1562 | Fixed: Store id not set on prospect import |
1565 | Show bride first on prospect now ignores TPS/TPOS license option |
1566 | Fixed: Error on batch scan fitting event table |
1567 | Fixed: Resize size matrix makes cancel and size chart button go away |
1569 | Download remhelp as one HTTP request |
1570 | Load help from web site instead of local copy |
1572 | MB import changes from 2/3/3016 |
1573 | Fixed: Files not found print inventory search |
1574 | F5 - Add discontinued date filter and click Ok or double-click for inventory |
1580 | Add event type to customer import and ship date to MB |
1584 | Now auto-extends payment date if expired |
1585 | Use new activation for BigCommerce and Constant Contact |
1586 | Copy subject in when using template for receipt email |
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