Providing Support & Enhanced Services

Your BBL ProfitSystem Point of Sale (POS) system is the cornerstone of your business, and essential to your success. BBL’s Support & Enhanced Services Agreement provides you with the technical expertise you need to keep your POS system running smoothly and advanced software features  to allow you to do more than you ever thought possible.

A plan is essential for every ProfitSystem customer. It provides updates to your ProfitSystem well as access via fax, email & voice to technical support service, off-site system backup, phone training and our prospect/customer marketing capability plus many other software features.

To maximize return on investment a shop should consider a Platinum Support Service Agreement from BBL. This annual agreement includes many benefits that can help your shop increase ProfitSystem’s © effectiveness and owner profits.

Platinum Service Includes

Free maintenance *Hot Fix* releases

Software problems do not occur often but when they do BBL will correct and make available ‘Hot Fixes’ almost immediately.

Free feature upgrades

BBL works continually to enhance & improve BBL ProfitSystem ©.  Major feature releases occur approximately every 12 to 18 months.  Each included feature is designed to help a shop run more efficiently and influence the 16bottom line.  A new release will have as many as 100 new features.

Bulk eMail & Texting

The most cost effective marketing is the ability to send emails via marketing automation or in batch to your customers and prospect based on specific criteria. Examples include: Wedding date ranges, Vendors interested in, purchased wedding gown but not veil and many more.

Integration into Constant Contact & Mail Chimp popular email marketing tools as well.

Transactional eMail & Texting

Need to eMail a Purchase Order to a Vendor. How about a receipt to a customer or a notification a customer dress is received or confirmation of an appointment. All can be accomplished via eMail and/or texting.

Web Forms

Web forms allow a shop to collect information from customers & prospects via the web and for the collected information to be easily managed within WinPOS©.

Insert forms on a website, like dress inquiries, appointment requests and have the form info appear in WinPOS©.

Customer Self Service “My Info”

Tired of a non stop stream of questions from existing customers. Examples like, is my dress in yet, have my attendants ordered, what’s my balance, can I get another receipt copy.

All these can be answered via a shop’s web-site & BBL ProfitSystem© where your customer simply enters a web-key and then receives an onscreen recap of their event. All without calling the shop!

Toll free telephone service

A shop can call toll free as many times as they need for help and questions

Unlimited Fax/Email contacts per year

A shop can eMail or Fax as many times as they need for help and questions.

Titan On-Line backup service

An added value service where a shop can back up their WinPOS© data. And if needed BBL will provide assistance with the backup data to get you back up and running.

Return calls are prioritized ahead of No Service customer calls

Do not wait in line behind customers who do not have a service agreement. Those with an agreement will be called back ahead of those without and at no cost.

Saturday emergency support calls returned

Hope it is never needed, but being down on a Saturday can be tough.  With an agreement your emergency call on Saturday will be returned.

Remote HelpDesk Screen Sharing

Many times BBL will access your system via our Remote Helpdesk software and you can just sit back and watch as we quickly take care of an issue.

Phone Training Session

Every needed an detailed walkthrough of a feature or module. Schedule an appointment for a detailed training session to gain the most payback of areas you are unsure. Service includes up to one hour phone training.

Advanced Feature Options

A client care agreement provides exclusive access to advance features which include Appointment system with employee scheduling, Timeclock, Integrated shipping with UPS, FedEx, Fedex SmartPost & USPS,  electronic payment integration for Credit Cards, Custom Fitting Management and more.

Beta Tester Program

Want access to the newest most advanced features first.  Shops with a service agreement may be asked to participate in our beta test program where they can have “first looks” and feature input in new upcoming versions beforethe general release into our user community.

Smartlink Integrations

Smart Link integration with popular vendors ordering systems to SAVE hours of time.  Current Smartlink integrations are with Dessy, Jim’s Formalwear, eStyle Central & Syvo.


eCommrce Integration.   Would you like to have the ability to showcase your products in an online shopping cart and even to provide online purchasing?  Via BBL BigCommere integration this is possible.

SMS/Voice Service

Service includes 300 monthly SMS & Voice messages.  Additional messages may be purchased if needed.

Marketing Automation

Using triggers define the type of outreach that should be done.  SMS, eMail & Voice messages.  Oftentime referred to as “drip marketing”, it is a set it and forget it opportunity to consistently get your messages delivered.

Remote Access to Daily Sales & Receipts via web Page

Access your shop’s web page to see daily receipts and sales by category & vendor.  Access frequently during the day to see how the shop is doing.

BBL Picture Perfect

Access imagery for the top 100 brands of gowns.  These images are available when adding styles to inventory.

Service Details:

BBL tech support can answer questions concerning any BBL designed software product.  Hardware, operating system or network questions are typically not within the scope of our expertise.

Support telephone response call is billed to the “No Agreement” customers prior to the call.   Occasionally, BBL tech support will determine the problem was caused by an anomaly within the BBL software.  When this is determined the call charge is credited back to the customer. 


 (*) A Support Case is defined as a specific question concerning the operation of BBL Software.  This includes questions concerning ‘How to do …’, ‘Where do I find …’, ‘Why this way’, How do I fix… and ‘What steps to do …’. 

 A Support Case is NOT performing system setup, training walk-thrus, software installation or correcting hardware/operating system caused data corruption issues.  These service items are NOT included in any Client Care option and are billable.

(**) An emergency is specifically defined as having a situation where you are unable to start your WinPOS program, or are otherwise unable to access your Customer records in WinPOS